People’s Tribunal

Time for unity of purpose and not politicking

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Dear judge Mbadwa,

The reality, My Lord, might have finally caught up with some citizens that coronavirus is real, yet ordinarily, they should not have waited for the voice of Mapuya conforming three Covid-19 positive cases in Nyasaland to realise that the pandemic respects no borders, colour, culture and gender.

But it is the nauseating political overtones from opportunists that are disheartening, My Lord.

Why should anyone in their rightful senses wish that Nyasaland should register cases because they want to see how a leader they don’t like would capitulate in the enfolding crisis?

My Lord, why should someone in their rightful senses pray for more Covid-19 cases on the basis that it would help prolong the term of the interim leader in view of your constitutional court ruling?

This is a matter of life and I believe it is only right and proper that we avoid being callous because we want to advance selfish political interests.

The pandemic knows no party colour, too, so tame your craving for political jestering in such a serious matter as Covid-19.

When all is said and done, politicians will need the citizenry to cast their votes for them when the country finally goes to polls.

My Lord, I really expected to see the presidency reaching out to the opposition and strategise together how they would ensure that the country contains the pandemic in the country.

My Lord, you get the impression that the authorities who should have been in the forefront coordinating interventions have already bungled their way through their job.

Three cases later, there are still some people in rural areas who don’t know that there is this threat of coronavirus while others in towns are still living in denial that Covid-19 is the disease of the rich, really?

Who do I blame for this pervasive ignorance about coronavirus? Everyone, my Lord, who bears a title that gives him licence to draw allowances from the coronavirus funds but does nothing worthwhile to prepare the country to face the pandemic.

It would be a crime against humanity to see some people enriching themselves out of the plight of the people in the same manner they did with funds meant to fight HIV and Aids.

My Lord, if anyone is contemplating of making a killing out of this Covid-19, let them know that I am also ready to move your court to act on such uncouth and unpatriotic people.

There is always a day of reckoning, my Lord, for those who play a fooling game.


John Citizen

With Emmanuel LucianoFeedback: whatsapp 09 99 253 633

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